
There are only so many hours in a day, a week, and a term. You cannot change the number of hours, but you can decide how to best use them. To be successful in school, you must carefully manage your study time. Here is a strategy for doing this.
Prepare a Term Calendar
At the beginning of a term, prepare a Term Calendar. Update it as the term goes on. Here is what to do to prepare a Term Calendar.
Record your school assignments with their due dates and your scheduled tests.Record your planned school activities.
Record your planned school activities.
Record your known out-of-school activities.
Prepare a Weekly Schedule
Each Sunday before a school week, prepare a Weekly Schedule. Update it as the week goes on. Here is what to do to prepare a Weekly Schedule.
Record your daily classes.
Enter things to be done for the coming week from your Term Calendar.
Review your class notes from the previous week to see if you need to add any school activities.
Add any out-of-school activities in which you will be involved during the week.
Be sure to include times for completing assignments, working on projects, and studying for tests. These times may be during the school day, right after school, evenings, and weekends.
Prepare a Daily Organizer
Each evening before a school day, prepare a Daily Organizer for the next day. Place a √ next to each thing to do as you accomplish it. Here is what to do to prepare a Daily Organizer.
Enter the things to do for the coming day from your Weekly Schedule.
Enter the things that still need to be accomplished from your Daily Organizer from the previous day.
Review your class notes for the day just completed to see if you need to add any school activities.
Add any out-of-school activities in which you will be involved the next day.
Your Weekly Schedule should have more detail than your Term Calendar. Your Daily Organizer should have more detail than your Weekly Schedule. Using a Term Calendar, a Weekly Schedule, and a Daily Organizer will help you make the best use of your time.


Many students have difficulty concentrating while studying. Being able to concentrate while you are studying is essential to doing well in class and on tests.
Here are 10 suggestions for improving your study concentration:
Study in a quiet place that is free from distractions and interruptions. Try to create a space designated solely for studying.
Make a study schedule that shows what tasks you need to accomplish and when you plan to accomplish each task. This will provide you with the structure you need for effective studying.
Try to study at the time of day you work best. Some people work well early in the morning, others late at night. You know what works best for you.
Make sure you are not tired and/or hungry when you study. Otherwise, you won't have the energy you need to concentrate. Also, maintain your physical fitness.
Don't try to do two tasks at the same time. You won't be able to concentrate on either one very well. Concentration means focusing on one thing to the exclusion of all else.
Break large tasks into series of smaller tasks that you can complete one at a time. If you try to complete a large task all at once, you may feel overwhelmed and will be unable to maintain your concentration.
Relax. It's hard to concentrate when you're tense. It's important to relax when working on a task that requires concentration. Meditation is helpful to many students.
Clear your mind of worrisome thoughts. Mental poise is important for concentration. You can get distracted by your own thoughts. Monitor your thoughts and prevent yourself from following any that take you off track. Don't daydream.
Develop an interest in what you are studying. Try to relate what you are studying to you own life to make it as meaningful as possible. This can motivate yourself to concentrate.
Take breaks whenever you feel fatigued. There is no set formula for when to take breaks. You will know when you need to take a break.
Studying without concentration is like trying to fill a bucket with water when the bucket has a hole in its bottom. It doesn't work.


[This page was produced by Jim Deacon]

The site provides guidance on examination technique - how to maximise your chances of success, so that you get the grades and the class of degree that you deserve.

I STRONGLY ADVISE YOU TO READ THIS PAGE, and especially the summary section:

Ten key steps to examination success.


Who could be better to advise you than an examiner? - someone who has marked thousands and thousands of exam papers; someone who sets questions and therefore knows exactly what examiners look for in your answers; someone who has seen all the errors that students make, time and time again.

There is no secret in any of this. The key to success can be summarised in one word: method or (if you prefer) technique. If you adopt the right method - the right approach - it can make all the difference between a B or a C grade, etc. and ultimately a difference between a Class 2.I or a Class 2.II.

So, please read this guidance time and time again. And please follow it. We want you to do well, but YOU have to put the guidance into practice.

Ten key steps to examination success

  1. Prepare for the examination. There is little time for formal revision at the end of teaching in Semester 1, so you must revise as you go along!

  2. Look at past papers. This prepares you for the types of question you will be asked, and the time you will have to answer each question. If there has been any major change in the format of the examination, then you will have been told about this in the course literature.

  3. Never try to 'spot' questions and never revise selectively. This is a recipe for disaster. Even if your predicted topics do come up in the exam, there is no guarantee that you will be able to answer the specific questions that were set on these topics. Instead, you should go into the exam with enough knowledge to answer questions on any of the major topics in a course.

  4. During the examination, organise your time effectively. N.B. This is the single most common cause of under-achievement in exams.

    For example, if you have a 3-hour exam in which you must answer 4 essay-style questions, then that means 45 minutes per question. BUT you should allow yourself 5 minutes at the start (to read the questions and decide on the ones you will attempt) AND 15 minutes at the end - see below. That leaves you 40 minutes per question.

    Now start on the first question, but stop immediately when the 40 minutes has passed. Don't worry if you have not finished the question - you have left 15 minutes at the end, so you can come back to this question and any others that you need to finish off.

    Tackle your second question, and again stop after 40 minutes, and similarly for the third and fourth questions.

    If you always adhere rigidly to this approach you will maximise your chances of success. You will never run out of time for all the questions because you have kept some time in reserve. Equally important, you will have scored the highest overall mark that you possibly can get, because exam marks follow the rule of "diminishing returns" - you get most of the marks for a question early on (in the first 20-30 minutes), and after that you have to work harder and harder for the remaining marks. In fact, the last 10% of marks for a question is almost impossible to get - very few examiners will give a mark above 80 or 90%. [The reason is simple: however good your answer might be, it could always be better, so a marker is reluctant to give full marks. Perhaps it shouldn't be that way. But that's life.]

  5. Always answer the full number of questions.

    You would be surprised at the number of students who miss out questions and therefore fail an exam or obtain a lower degree class than they deserve. The reason is obvious - they cannot answer all the questions (usually because they didn't revise) and so they decide to spend all their time on the questions they can answer.

    This is foolish. For example, if you can answer only 3 of the required 4 questions then you cannot possibly get more than 75% of the marks for the whole exam. But it even worse than that - even if you get three first-class marks (70%) for your three questions, this is still only 210 marks out of the possible 400. That's 53%, which is only just above the D/C borderline (or the third/ lower second class borderline).

    Even if you think you know nothing about a topic, you can always get a few marks by making some sensible comments, and that can make the difference of a grade.

    The same advice applies to questions that require you to answer several parts - each part of a question has marks allocated to it, and if you miss out a part then you cannot get the marks for it.

  6. Read the question carefully, underline all the relevant words, and stick rigidly to the question as set. Again this might seem obvious, but again many students fail to follow this advice. Remember that examiners think very carefully about the wording of every question, and expect your answer to be directly on that topic. No examiner asks you to "Write everything you know about a subject"!

    For example, if you are asked to write about the wall structure of bacteria then you will get no marks at all for mentioning the other features of bacteria - the membrane, the genome, etc. You get marks only for the wall. The moment that you start to write about other things, the examiner will write "irrelevant" in the margin of your answer book, and will only start giving marks again when you get back onto the subject. In short, you are wasting your own valuable time, and getting no marks for it.

  7. For every question, stop writing after the first few minutes and re-read the question, then stop again to recheck before your time is up. Be absolutely honest with yourself, and ask 'Have I drifted off the subject?' This is surprisingly easy to do, and if you don't stop to check periodically then you drift into "irrelevant".

  8. Make rough notes at the start of a question, so as to organise your thoughts. Then start your proper answer.

    You almost certainly will be told to cross out the rough notes. But my advice is NEVER CROSS THEM OUT. Remember that anything you cross out cannot be marked, but if you leave your rough notes then the examiner should look through them (if only briefly). Perhaps you made a point in your notes that you forgot to put into your proper answer. That can count in your favour.

  9. Never answer more questions than required. You can only get marks for the required number of questions. Every marker sticks rigidly to this rule, because we have to be fair to all the candidates - including those who did exactly what was required.

  10. Put yourself in an examiner's shoes and ask 'What impresses an examiner?'

    Imagine that you are spending your evenings and weekends ploughing through 400 exam answers - because that's what examiners do!

    • The examiner will get frustrated if he cannot read your writing. A badly written answer takes a long time to read, and by the time the examiner has ploughed through it he will have forgotten half of what you said. That's bad news for you! And don't try to obscure your lack of knowledge (e.g. a scientific name or a technical term) by illegible writing. We have seen this hundreds of times. If it cannot be read, it cannot get marks.

    • Underline key words or phrases. After reading through the whole answer, an examiner looks back at the number of ticks he/she has made, or the number of key words or phrases that you have identified. If you highlight these then the impression is favourable - the main points covered, so you will get good marks.

    • Never repeat things, even in a concluding paragraph. You can only get the marks once, no matter how many times you repeat the same point.

    • Learn the Latin names of organisms and other technical terms. It might be a pain, but it impresses examiners and shows your competence. A chemist would not get marks for saying "some chemical (I forget the name) combines with some other chemical to produce a tetrazolium compound". So why should a biologist get marks for saying "some fungus (I think it begins with M) parasitises wheat plants by producing cellulase enzymes"? We read that sort of thing all the time. And it doesn't impress.

How to tackle different types of exam question

Essay-style questions

In a few Honours examinations you might be asked to write 'long essays' (time allocation of 1.5 hours or even 3 hours). However, this does not mean that you have to write for 1.5 or 3 hours. Instead, it means that you have enough time to assemble your thoughts and construct your answer carefully. The answer itself might not take more than 1 hour or 1.5 hours to write.

In all other examinations the essay-style questions are shorter. For example, you might be asked to answer four essay-style questions in a 3-hour exam (see the Microbiology 3m examination papers, for example). These essay-style questions require a large amount of relevant factual information, and understanding of the subject. However, you would not be expected to produce a polished and grammatically correct essay. The important thing is to write down as much relevant information as possible, while sticking rigidly to the question that was set.

Short-answer questions (SAQs)

SAQs typically have 8-10 minutes time allocation (but check this carefully, because the time allocation does vary). The best approach to these questions is to produce short notes, with as much relevant information as possible in the time allowed. If you really know the material you should get full marks for these questions.

by Clifford Morris

There is an ever-growing body of research suggesting that we do not study in precisely the same way. While this common sense approach towards studying represents a welcomed message for parents and students, many teachers still teach a large number of their pupils one way, more often than not, by using traditional teaching styles that might appear to be successful for the teacher but unsuccessful for a large majority of the youngsters seated in front of them. This is incorrect teaching -- proof that common sense continues to be not all that common within many of today's classrooms.

My following commentary attempts to address this key issue, while at the same time, to offer suggestions for possible classroom improvement. If teachers require their students to receive domain-specific information in a way that does not correspond with their dominant learning modalities, to perform under classroom conditions that interfere with their preferred learning, or to demonstrate learning in such a way that fails them to use their more dominant intelligences, then such teachers create within their students forms of artificial stress, reduced motivation, and repressed performance. Along this same line of thinking, there is a considerable body of research evidence suggesting that many special education students who have been formally categorized, for example, as learning disabled (LD) are, in fact, not LD students per se but assessed and taught incorrectly in terms of their dominant learning style. Perhaps a more positive way of describing their LD is that they simply learn differently!

And now, after painting a negative but realistic image of numerous contemporary classrooms ... the good news, and the good news is indeed promising! An efficient classroom teacher will tend to teach in many different ways in order to reach all of her/his students. Teaching something only one way (such as lecturing to one's auditory learning channel) will miss all the students who do not learn best in that manner. Simply put for this web comment, good teaching is teaching through a variety of learning channels. Most students can learn the same content. But how they best receive and then perceive that content is determined largely by their individual learning styles. Simply defined, a student's studying style is the way a student processes, concentrates, internalizes and retain novel and often difficult bits of domain specific content knowledge, usually for testing and examination purposes. And as is the case with how one best learns information, many of the same elements, emotional, environmental, biological, sociological, and physiological must also be taken into account when studying.

Studying Elements

Emotional factors which may influence studying are: motivation, responsibility, and persistence. Through identification and modification, bad study habits can be replaced by more productive habits. Knowing your current levels of these emotional factors, and working to positively reshape them can not only enhance your studying potential but change your outlook toward challenging courses.

Environmental factors such as sound, temperature, lighting, and physical arrangement can have a significant impact on your ability to study. Although some of us enjoy loud background music, many prefer a quiet place to study, clear of distractions. Some students crank up the heating system whereas others seem to prefer a cooler studying environment. Some children prefer a low lighting system around them, while others have all the lights in the house on. Others enjoy the traditional chair and desk study approach while still others seem to be able to study all curled up in the middle of a bed. In short, paying close attention to these environmental factors and establishing an environment conducive to studying can increase overall learning.

In the 1960s, Roger Sperry's Nobel prize winning work suggested that the right and left hand sides of the human brain possessed specialized and different functions: the left being clinical and analytical while the right influenced the more artistic and sensing side of our nature. That is, our left cerebral hemisphere handled, in the main, logical/linear functions and verbal/linguistic skills, and the right half of our brain developed a reputation as the artistic, imaginative, emotional, musical, and holistic side. Today, while that form of cerebral thinking is considered somewhat simplistic, it may have opened up additional avenues to greater exploration into the true nature of cognitive functioning and how all of us acquire, store and employ domain specific knowledge.

That split-brain hypothesis so prevalent at that time represented a challenge to the concept of intellectual quotient (IQ) which, in the main, purported to assess verbal/linguistic and logical/mathematical skills, skills that were once considered to be handled by the left half of the brain. Today, more advanced research suggests that IQ scores actually measure only some of our overall abilities. This fact is evidenced by the realization that good athletes, artists or musicians were once simply (supposedly) talented while those considered good in science and math were considered smart or intelligent. In today's 2009 world, all of them ought to be considered 'intelligent.'

Most students are not aware of the sociological factors that positively affect their ability to study effectively. Some prefer studying alone, in pairs, or in teams with adults or any combination thereof. Similarly, some seem to learn best in bright lights while others prefer darker corners. And some seem to learn best while eating or drinking or with loud music on in the background. While it is difficult for a variety of these sociological patters to operate simultaneously within one classroom, their value for efficient learning, especially studying, is of note here. To sum, students benefit from utilizing a variety of different sociological settings, as some serve to enhance initial learning while others act as reinforcement for studying.

Physical factors which influence your studying style are those that involve your senses: auditory (ears), visual (eyes), tactile (touch), kinaesthetic (motion), gustatory (taste), and olfactory (smell), the initial three being more predominant. Visual students study best by watching a process, or reading materials. Research suggests that most learning occurs here. Next comes the auditory channel. Here, students study best by listening in class, discussing information in groups, and reciting study notes. Tactile students study best by hands-on activities, manipulating objects or flash cards, working problems or re-typing notes. Kinaesthetic students study best by demonstrating movement in their work, exercising while reading, or walking while reciting their notes. Olfactory students involve their nose to distinguish specific elements. And finally, gustatory students study best by tasting the item under investigation. These latter two factors account for only a minor part of overall learning.

How more auditory learners study
Auditory students tend to learn mainly by hearing classroom information. They seem to learn best through their ears, especially via verbal lectures, discussions, talking things through and listening to the words of others. They interpret the underlying meanings of speech through listening to tone of voice, pitch, speed and other nuances. When they have pages to read for homework, they need to quietly say the words aloud in order to hear the words as they read. Often, written information has little meaning until it is heard. When they are learning concepts such as phonetic sounds, they need to hear the similarities. For example, they may not realize "ph" sounds just like "f" unless they say the sounds out loud. Reading aloud, going over class notes and talking to oneself about the relevant points is important. Before reading, set a purpose and verbalize it, after finished a task, be sure to summarize out loud what was just read.

These learners often benefit from reading text aloud and using a tape recorder. Taping lectures or notes and playing them back to learn the information can be quite an effective way for an auditory student to understand and remember the information. The speaking of ideas into a tape recorder is like having a conversation with someone. If possible, such learners should talk to their friends about the material. Because auditory learners sometimes encounter problems keeping columns aligned, math computations can be completed on graph paper. The extreme left-hand column in Table 1 below lists alternative strategies for the auditory learner.

How more visual learners study
Visual students learn mainly by 'seeing' the material to be learned, that is, when the material is presented graphically, as in charts, tables, illustrated text books, overhead transparencies, videos, flip charts, hand-outs, maps, etc. Such students often prefer sitting at the front of the classroom to avoid irrelevant visual obstructions. When in class, visual people should look at the teachers when they are speaking, participate in class discussions and take detailed notes during lectures. Visual learners enjoy watching the teacher's body language and facial expression. This enables them to better comprehend the content of the classroom subject under discussion. When studying, such students tend to study alone in a quiet place and try to transcribe their material on paper. When possible, make designs, drawings, graphs or tables of complex abstract ideas and work alone.

Students who learn visually often have trouble working while having a dialogue, even if the dialogue directly pertains to the subject matter. Any homework they can complete using diagrams, time lines, charts, or graphs will be better remembered. As they read pages for homework, they need to either take written notes or underline important facts and dates in colors. When they are learning such auditory concepts as phonetic sounds, they must see the letters to learn.

How more kinaesthetic-tactual learners study
Of all the types of classroom students, perhaps the kinaesthetic / tactual learners are the most maligned group; they learn best through a hands-on approach. In other words, these are your touchers and feelers; they like to be physically involved as they find it extremely difficult to sit still. They often get out of their desks, pace around the classroom, want to have music or television playing in the background. In short, they are almost constantly finding themselves distracted.

They need to learn keyboarding skills, because these types of learners work well on computers where they can touch the keys as they type. They learn well when they can do things, such as in a lab. They need to actually use their hands and bodies while learning. Kinaesthetic / tactual learners may need to walk around or pace or hop or whatever while reading. When studying for tests, they need to make flash cards to remember important dates and facts. Unfortunately, they often have a hard time in school because they have to sit still and listen to a teacher. They need to learn to take notes in class in order to have something for their hands to do. The two right-hand columns in Box 1 below contain additional alternative strategies for such learners.


Before asking you to identify your more dominant studying style, one comment. All of us use the three above studying modalities but often to different degrees. For instance, I seem to study best visually with a pen or highlighter in my hand, with a secondary studying style of kinaesthetic-tactual. If asked to listen to auditory directions, I may understand the first item or two, but then I am lost, in more ways than one. I have to either write down the directions as I hear them, or visualize the oral directions, often requiring the aid of a map. When listening to lectures, I seem to learn best by taking numerous notes and sketching diagrams depicting the content under investigation.

Studying Styles Inventory

Name: ____________________________________ Date: ______________________


Print out and read over the following three (3) lists of statements. Using a highlighter or pen, circle or/and note the numeral to the left of every statement that you feel that best applies to you, at this point in time of your busy life. As we all differ so markedly in how we acquire and retain knowledge and especially, for this note, how we best study, there are no right or wrong statements, only non applicable comments. You may have as much time as you need to complete the three sections, so read over each studying characteristic carefully and, if it applies to you, note it in your own way before you complete the two remaining sections.

Auditory studying style

1. If I hear someone's name, I remember it easily.
2. Rather than reading a book, I prefer to listen to a tape or someone read the book to me.
3. I can pay attention and remember easier when others read out loud to me.
4. I find that songs and jingles help me to remember things.
5. I use oral explanations and ask students to repeat or paraphrase.
6. I use audio recordings whenever possible.
7. I give oral instructions most of the time.
8. I explore and develop information through class discussions.
9. I remember songs after hearing them only a couple of times.
10. I often read and study by repeating information aloud to myself.
11. When taking a class test or term exam, I am easily distracted by background noise.
12. I like to study for tests by having someone quiz me aloud.
13. I like to talk and listen.
14. I work out my math story problems by talking through them aloud.
15. I participate in class discussions/debates.
16. I make speeches and presentations.
17. I use a tape recorder during lectures instead of taking notes.
18. I read text out aloud.
19. I create musical jingles to aid memorization
20. I create mnemonics to aid memorization
21. I discuss my ideas verbally.
22. I dictate to someone while they write down my thoughts.
23. I use verbal analogies, and story telling to demonstrate my point

Visual studying style

1. I prefer to have a clear view of my subject teachers when they are speaking. In this way, I can see their body language and facial expression.
2. I use color to highlight important points in a textbook or in a handout.
3. I take notes and I ask my teachers to provide handouts.
4. I illustrate my ideas as a picture or brainstorming bubble before writing them down.
5. I write a story and illustrate it.
6. I use multi-media (e.g., computers, videos, and filmstrips).
7. I study in a quiet place away from verbal disturbances.
8. I prefer to read illustrated books.
9. I visualize information as a picture to aid memorization.
10. To see if I have spelled a word correctly, I write it out to see if it looks right.
11. I can remember names if I see them written on name tags.
12. I enjoy reading books, looking at the pictures and using visual materials such as pictures, charts, maps, graphs, etc.
13. Before doing a project, I prefer to read the instructions or look at the illustrations.
14. I take down class notes to help me to remember what the teacher says.
15. I usually write down my assignments to help me to remember its contents.
16. I like to use flash cards to practice vocabulary words.
17. My desk and locker is neatly organized.
18. I am able to sit and watch TV or work on the computer / internet for a long time.
19. I understand things better when I read them than when I listen to them.
20. I prefer being given a list of duties to complete rather than being told.
21. I seem to be able to picture things in my mind easily.
22. I learn best via visual aids (e.g., chalkboard notes, visual illustrations, charts, graphs, concept maps, outlines, graphic organizers).
23. I seem to understand knowledge best via video recordings.

Kinaesthetic-tactual studying style

1. I take frequent study breaks.
2. I move around to learn new things (e.g., read while on an exercise bike, mould a piece of clay to learn a new concept).
3. I enjoy working in a standing position.
4. I chew gum while studying.
5. I use bright colors to highlight reading material.
6. I dress up my work space with posters.
7. I listen to music while I study.
8. I skim through reading material to get a rough idea what it is about before settling down to read it in detail.
9. I emphasize and clarify ideas through gesture, facial expression and dramatization.
10. I enjoy active learning and direct experience and experimentation.
11. I prefer completing tasks which imply physical movement.
12. I prefer doing class assignments that involve project work.
13. It is hard for me to pay attention when I must sit still for the entire class period.
14. I enjoy sports and being active.
15. I count on my fingers or with other objects to do math problems.
16. My favourite classes are those where I can move around a lot.
17. I choose to play outside rather than sit inside and read a book or listen to tapes.
18. I have a hard time staying neat and organized.
19. I am good at skills that require precise movements, for example, walking on a balance beam, serving a volleyball, or playing ping-pong.
20. I prefer to learn a new activity by being shown how to do it rather than by reading about it or listening to a tape about it.
21. I would like to act out stories rather than talk about them.
22. I have a good sense of balance and rhythm.

Summary Instructions

Your three above totals may suggest your possible dominant studying style. That is, if your highest total is visual, you likely study best by SEEING, that is, you tend to remember best by using your eyes for studying. If your highest total is auditory, you likely study best by HEARING. In other words, you remember best by using your ears to study. And, if your highest total is kinaesthetic-tactual, you probably study best by DOING things, that is, you remember best by movement or physical activities that involve many parts of your body, in particular, your hands and feet. Box 1 immediately below outlines just some of the many alternative ways of studying.

Box 1: Some Alternative Ways for Students to Study
Some Auditory
Some Visual
Some Kinaesthetic
Some Tactual
tape / CD / DVD recordings
learning circles
journals / diaries
mock TV shows
crossword puzzles
radio broadcasts
pictures / posters
panel discussions
videos / DVD's
maps / visualizations
costume making
role playing
charts / schematas
letters / reviews
graphs / models
reader theatres
dioramas / games
news stories
field trips
cartoons / puppetry
box movies / masks
internet files
coding puzzles
photographs / slides
mobiles paper items
word puzzles